Compassionate Listening Sessions
As well as being a Reiki Practitioner and Reiki Master, Sue Pitman also offers Compassionate Listening sessions.
Sue has given her clients’ non-judgemental help, support and guidance for many years. Sue has also completed a TQUK level 2 in basic counselling skills.
Sue Pitman says:
"Truly being heard is a deeply empowering experience that helps the client to clearly hear what is in their own heart and mind - a process that often leads them to confidently know for themselves what to do next. This can relate to any issue that has been on their mind.
"Compassionate Listening is about being there 100 % for someone. With Compassionate Listening, one truly hears what is being said, as well as what is not being said.
"It is a matter of hearing, without feeling the need to have a view or to offer advice. If an opinion is requested, it will be given honestly and unconditionally, drawing on my own experience of life.
"Compassionate Listening is all about truly listening with the heart... and speaking from the heart, too.”
Compassionate Listening requires no belief system. Sue Pitman is able to help with her words and give you space to find the path that's truly right for you. Sue offers Compassionate Listening sessions to all those who are in need of solace and to know that they are being heard.

"...no one and no one side is the sole repository of Truth. But each of us has a spark of it within. Perhaps, with compassion as our guide, that spark in each of us can become a glow, and then perhaps a light, and we will watch one another in awe as we become illuminated. And then, perhaps, this spark, this glow, this, light will become the enlightening energy of love that will save all of us."
Gene Knudsen Hoffman, from her essay, “Speaking Truth to Power”.
A Compassionate Listening Session with Sue is 1 hour and the Session Fee is: £50.00
In-person and telephone sessions can be paid for in advance from the Reiki Session Prices page, or on the day of your in-person session (by cash, bank transfer or cheque).

Sue Pitman ITEC
Reiki Master